What is Reflexology?

What is Reflexology ?

Like most complementary therapies, Reflexology is believed to have its roots in the ancient civilizations: Egypt, China, Africa and the native Indian tribes of America. Reflexology today is a precisely defined form of treatment based on the principle that the anatomy of the body is reflected in miniature on reflex zones on the feet and also on the hands (though a little less defined). By using specific techniques of holds and pressures on these regions, healing is both initiated and accelerated in the corresponding area of the body. Sometimes the body is in a state of ‘imbalance’ following illness or injury, disease or stress and energy pathways are blocked preventing the body from functioning effectively. Reflexology helps restore and maintain the body’s natural equilibrium and encourage healing. One of the wonders of Reflexology is that it can bring about the same sensations of relaxation and restfulness that a full body massage can produce and therefore it can be considered most useful in the treatment of stress.

The Therapy
A reflexologist uses hands only to apply pressure to the feet. The therapy and the effects are unique to each person. Sensitive, trained hands can detect tiny deposits and imbalances from touching the feet and by working on the reflex points can release blockages and restore the free flow of energy to the whole body. Tensions are eased and the circulation and elimination improved. The body is encouraged to heal itself. Since reflexology treats the whole person, not just the symptoms of particular problems, most people can benefit from treatment; therefore reflexology can be considered ideal for:

– Stress related conditions     – Acute and chronic conditions    – Sleep disorders   – Preventative therapy   – Children and adults

Indeed Reflexology               can benefit almost everyone. An increasing number of people are               using this safe, natural therapy as a way of relaxing, balancing               and harmonising the body.

Who               can Benefit from Treatment

Most               people can be helped by a Reflexology treatment and there is no               minimum or maximum age limit. Sufferers of many diverse conditions               have reported benefits from receiving Reflexology, it helps for               example, PMS, Sciatica, Sinusitis, aches and pains, digestive disorders.               The list is endless.

What               to Expect from A Treatment

A client should               expect an introductory chat with the Reflexologist before they begin               treatment. This should include the completion of a consultation               sheet. Once formal consent has been given, following signatures               from the client and the Reflexologist, treatment can commence, providing               no contra indications* have been identified.

* When treatment               cannot be performed or when medical advice should be sought prior               to treatment.
The Reflexologist will begin work on the feet, or hands, if appropriate,               and will take note (usually mentally) of any problem areas. Clients               may experience some discomfort in certain areas, however this will               usually be brief and it will indicate areas of imbalance in the               body. Generally the treatment will feel wonderful, relaxing and               soothing.

The first treatment               (including the chat and completion of the consultation sheet) will               take around an hour and 15 minutes. The subsequent treatments will               generally last around 45 minutes. A course of treatments can vary               depending on individual needs and can be discussed with the Reflexologist.               

The professional               therapist does not rely on external aids, only the hands are used.               Treatment takes place with you sitting in a semi-reclined position               on a professional couch or chair. You will be asked to remove only               your shoes and socks and your feet will then be wiped over with               a refreshing solution. The therapist will examine the feet before               commencing a relaxing foot massage and will start the treatment               which involves the therapist applying a specific pressure all over               the foot/reflex points, increasing or decreasing pressure according               to findings. The tratement will conclude with a relaxing foot massage.               

How               will I feel? A client will               generally feel well and relaxed after treatment however everyone’s               body is different and can respond in individual ways. Possible side               effects can be discussed with the Reflexologist and symptoms can               vary widely. Do not be alarmed or worried by any side effects, these               are usually a reflection that the treatment is working and your               body is responding in a positive way.

Always check               that the practitioner/therapist is a qualified Reflexologist and               a member of a recognised Reflexology organisation, such as the International               Federation of Reflexologists.

What               can I do if I am dissatisfied ?

It               is extremely unlikely that you would be dissatisfied with a treatment               by an IFR member. However, the IFR does have an easy and accessible               process for dealing sympathetically, transparently and effectively               with complaints about practitioners.

You               can write to the Chairman at our main offices at the address below,               giving full details of your complaint and you can be rest assured               that it will be thoroughly investigated. If a complaint is upheld,               the IFR’s disciplinary procedure is invoked and this could result               in a member being expelled from the IFR. Further details can be               obtained upon application.

International               Federation of Reflexologists               8-9 Talbot Court               London               EC3V 0BP

Phone:               0870 879 3562               Fax: 0870 879 3298               E-mail: info@intfedreflexologists.org